Weekly Desk 20: Eldar Phantom Titan and Superheavies almost done!
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Work in progress or painting in progress – generally not yet the final effect.
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The checkers start to slowly appear… Lots of work still ahead, but I’m getting there! Next there will be a splash of colour! [pe2-gallery class=”alignleft” ] [/pe2-gallery]
I started painting the Phantom Titan and two Eldar superheavies for the same client who ordered the last Phantom (the Armorcast one) and two Ravenants for his dark grey Eldar army. You can expect freehand checkers and nebulae as colourful touches to the overall grey of the models. As for now, I managed to get[…]
Yes. There are several missing Weekly Desks between the 8th and 15th – due to site infection and migration I posted them on my facebook page. I will add them later. [pe2-gallery class=”alignleft” ] [/pe2-gallery][pe2-gallery class=”alignleft” ] [/pe2-gallery]
The work on the Wolsung SSG gaming tables continues. It’s due for Salute 2012 in London, on April 21st. [pe2-gallery class=”alignleft” ] [/pe2-gallery]
A bit overdue, but my website got infected last week and only now it’s been cleaned and I’m able to fully edit posts finally. Anyways, this week I was continuing with the Wolsung display table, finishing the boats, adding several models to spice teh table up a bit. Also, the clear resin arrived, next[…]
I started this week waiting for the boats for Wolsung display table and as such I assembled yet another Eldar superheavy and Phantom feet and legs. Need to make a large elipse base for it first though. Anyways, once I got the parts for the boats I could start the creative part of the week.[…]